How to earn money online fast as a writer

How to earn money online fast as a writer

Most of us writers are passionate, but that does not exclude our quest for how to earn money online fast through our writing. Writing in today’s world has transcended the era of traveling from point A to B before getting anyone to see your work and patronize you.

These days, the internet and social media platforms have become like the salesman who once physically knocked on doors asking for patronage. If you do your homework well as a writer, regardless of your niche, a market is waiting for you to tap into.

This blog post will point you to the homework you need. And yes, it comes from my wealth of experience as a renowned writer.

Can I earn money by writing online?

A wise woman once told me that money is taken and not made. This simply means that as a writer, you take steps to make people willingly give you their money while offering them your writing services online.

First, there are steps to take before going about how to earn money online fast as a writer, especially from the comfort of your home. The first step begins with leaving the average writing level and transitioning to the expert stage in writing.

Honestly, no one, even you, would want to pay or patronize a crappy writer, so why be one? Your dream of making money online will remain a dream if you don’t work hard to improve and become an employable or patronizable writer.

Once learning about how to write great content to attract people is done and settled, you can fully begin your search on how to collect customers’ and clients’ monies for your books and writing services online. So, yes, you can earn money by writing online if you take time and position yourself and your skills well.

How do I start making money as a writer?

Let’s assume that no one knows you as a writer at this point. However, you have completed the steps of sharpening your skills and can hold down your own in writing. 

I was at this point in my life, too, so I will share with you how I started earning money online as a writer. Here are the next steps to take:

Join a vibrant writing group

To learn how to earn money online fast as a writer, join an active writing group. Groups like this are online and offline, paid or free.

Such groups can be goldmines. I know this because that was a step I took, and I don’t regret it.

In this type of group, you will see people bringing writing deals, looking for interns, holding free classes, and offering writing gigs. There, you must have a goal and be strategic.

Your goal in such groups is to be visible and present. Join and interact in discussions, ask questions, mingle, and network. Your first writing breakthrough may just be waiting for you to drop a comment in that group.

Send out word of mouth

Who knows you can write, apart from your room and maybe your siblings? If you are ready to earn money online fast from your writing, send the word to your friends and family. 

Let them tell their friends to tell their friends; someone might know a company or would want to read your book. More so, introduce yourself as a writer to your new friends or acquaintances and show them your work. They will remember you when they see an opening.

Become more active online and leverage social media

I mentioned this earlier, but l will broaden it here. Social media can propel you further than you can do it yourself.

This part includes utilizing all the resources social media and online can offer. Start by showcasing what you have on your social media platforms.

If you write books, write excerpts of your books on your page and talk about the writing process. Ask people to read and tell you what they think. Entice them with the suspense-filled parts of your book.

More so, educate interested people on the process of writing a book, and you do this constantly. Be consistent. Offer value and patiently watch as people gravitate to you.

If you are a freelance writer, look for well-paying writing platforms; they may be competitive, but you must be determined. Remember that those well-paid competitors once started as you and continued until they became successful.

UpWork has stood the test of time in helping writers and other freelancers make good money online. To quicken your success on this platform, ensure your profile is 100% complete, use a professional, clear picture, build your portfolio by giving yourself some writing assignments, look for a friend who will endorse you, and then apply for jobs like your life depends on it.

You can join other freelance platforms or apply to websites that employ writers. Many writers began writing from these websites and have currently made a career out of it.

Some websites allow storytellers to write novels and get paid. Find out the kind of writing you love to do and attach yourself to these websites.

Writers are making a lot of money on Amazon KDP, a free self-publishing platform owned by Amazon. All you need to do is write your ebook and upload it to the platform.

Use Ads to make money

Here’s how to earn money online fast without much stress. Writers make quick money online with this method. 

We write books and run ads on them to make sales. As writers, we always have the digital version of our books. From my experience, you earn more money when you promote your books or ebooks.

Remember you are giving knowledge already on your social media platform; do not give all your knowledge. Monetize the rest. As an authority in your niche, pour in your remaining knowledge in a course and sell.

Use influencer marketing and Facebook and Instagram ads to put your work in front of followers and interested strangers. Figure out how to run these ads or get a professional to do the job for you.

Meanwhile, ensure you are dishing out the value and that your offer is attractive. You can even have a digital library and sit back to watch sales pour in.

Build a blog

I saved the best for the last. Blogging as a writer gives you an edge over other nonblogging writers.

A blog will announce you to people across countries and bring people to you. When you do something interesting enough on your blog and successfully monetize it, it will make you money in droves.

Many writers I know are channeling their writing energies to their blogs and are already reaping the fruit of their labor. Think about starting a blog that is well-optimized.


Thinking of how to earn money online fast as a writer? The steps I listed in this post are personal experiences that work. Implementing them may not be very easy, but I promise you, you’ll be earning in no time if you get to work and stay grinding.


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