What makes a good writer

What makes a good writer – A beginner’s guide

The journey to achieving flawless writing begins with understanding what makes a good writer. As an aspiring writer, you may have read a lot and know a few authors who are more intriguing than others.

Their unique style leaves you in awe, often making it hard to finish a page without feeling compelled to sing their praises.

If you admire these writers, it’s natural to wonder how they wield their pens so beautifully. I may be right when I say that, this curiosity speaks to your passion and ignites your desire to finesse your writing skills.

For this reason, I’ll dedicate the better part of this post to discussing the characteristics of a good writer.

What makes a good writer?

A good writer is any person who can communicate effectively with readers through their writing. Whether through a novel, an article, or social media posts. They strive to create readable, concise, and easily understood pieces.

Anyone can string a few words together and call themselves a writer. You might dream of writing, talk about it, or even write but it takes true talent to connect with readers.

To put it another way, passion alone doesn’t guarantee competence in writing.

So, what makes a good writer?

As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Similarly, good writing does not happen by accident, it takes time to accomplish.

Writing is one feat you can’t achieve by waving a magic wand. You must be willing to adopt the qualities of successful writers and authors and actively work towards improving your skills.

Dedicate time to walking in their footprints and you’ll soon see your abilities transform. You can find out more about these qualities as you read further.

Love for reading

You can’t aspire to be an excellent writer without developing a love for reading. Great writers maintain a healthy relationship with books. They explore works from various genres and read with purpose.

Unsurprisingly, best-selling authors like Zadie Smith and Chimamanda Adichie are card-carrying readers. They likely consume everything they can get their hands on, familiarizing themselves with different writing styles.

As you read, your brain unconsciously encodes relevant information into your long-term memory. This process, known as context-dependent recall, allows you to absorb useful vocabulary and access it when the occasion demands.

This is part of the answer if you’ve ever wondered how skilled writers build impressive lexical depth.


The internet contains a vast array of written content. Remarkable writers try to share new perspectives that help them shine brightly in the ocean of writers.

Creativity is a vital trait that fuels this effort. It enables them to create copies that captivate their target audience.

Creative writers will always develop strategies to distinguish themselves from the crowd, even if it means offering fresh ideas or incorporating unique language.


Think about the good books you can recommend in one minute. What is the one thing they have in common?

I’m sure they are all easy to comprehend, allowing you to recognize their quality. Sound writers present their ideas clearly, leaving no room for confusion.

Consider the extensive research and effort that goes into producing these books. Good writers take pride in their research abilities.

They dedicate the necessary time to ensure they don’t mislead their readers. This involves finding the right words to convey their messages accurately and minimizing potential misunderstandings.

Pay attention to details

Detail orientation is one mighty arrow in the quiver of great writers. This skill enables them to notice minute details including errors an average person might overlook.

With this keen eye, writers can make significant progress without an editor. They can spot grammatical errors or oversights that could hinder their work.

You would not be wrong to describe them as perfectionists. They will never publish their work until every detail down to the punctuation marks is correct, accurate, and complete.


Successful writers exhibit a high degree of discipline which significantly impacts their writing. As a writer, you may need to delay gratification and choose the more challenging path to succeed.

Good writers make time to learn new words and practice their craft regularly. Although the right choice may initially seem difficult, it often yields rewarding results. Set skills development goals and stay focused on achieving them.

Write everyday

Consistency and practice are essential for becoming a proficient writer. When I first started writing, I made no progress until I committed to writing daily.

Like any other skill, your writing ability can diminish if you don’t actively apply it. Good writers possess the grit to write regardless of their emotional state.

To enhance your skills, set your fears aside and simply write. Imitating your favorite authors is perfectly fine as long as you remain actively engaged in your writing.

Connect with their readers

Successful writers begin by stepping into their readers’ shoes to understand their needs and interests better. This is where effective research skills come into play.

Once they gather the necessary information, they focus on creating lasting connections with their audience. They may have to adopt a relatable tone and offer solutions to pressing issues.

Additionally, they choose vocabulary and writing styles that resonate with the reader. What makes a good writer is the ability to transform casual readers into loyal fans.

Avoid overreliance on AI

While technology can be useful for writing, good writers know not to depend on it completely. Yes, they take advantage of writing software but remain careful to keep their writing human.

Ultimately, their major interest is to connect with their audience. They understand that AI can weaken that connection.

If your goal is to write well, avoid relying heavily on AI. Preserve the human touch in your work. After all, readers genuinely appreciate writers who maintain their originality.

Knowing when to stop

Exceptional writers know how to capture their audience’s attention from the first sentence. Most importantly, they know when to draw the curtains in their writing.

They also understand the need to stay engaging from start to finish. A writer who knows their craft understands it’s better to wrap up beautifully than to lose focus.

Lastly, they prioritize quality over quantity. This is why every piece they publish will leave readers eager for more.

Also Read:  Different writing styles and the niches to use them

How to be a good writer

Find your niche

Whether it’s health, lifestyle, finance, or entertainment, a specific genre must tickle your fancy. Identify this genre and when you do, understand what makes a good writer in your chosen field.

While having multiple interests is fine, focusing on one area makes room for greater growth.

Expand your vocabulary

Make an effort to broaden your vocabulary. As a writer, having a rich vocabulary in your arsenal makes your work shine.

Read widely, watch movies, and listen to conversations. Do whatever it takes to learn new words. When you discover unfamiliar words, consult a dictionary and save unique terms for a rainy day.

A limited diction can result in repetitions and monotony in your writing. Believe me, nobody wants to read a boring copy.

Write often

As a general rule, practice makes perfect. Therefore, it’s essential to establish a writing habit if you must excel.

You can keep a journal and stay faithful to making daily entries but avoid writing a load of jargon.

To put it another way, ensure that what you write makes sense. This helps you learn and unlearn until you achieve perfection.

Seek honest feedback

Allow strangers to read your work and be open to their feedback. They have the power to give constructive criticism without personal bias.

Avoid shying away from criticism as it allows you to identify areas where you need improvement. You can hire an editor or ask for input from people around you.

This practice and the willingness to do better are compulsory for writers who want to reach the zenith of their craft. By following these tips, you can become a better writer.

Finally, remember to practice diligently, embrace correction, and make room for improvement to match the best in your field.

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