How to increase your blog traffic organically

How to increase your blog traffic organically

When you successfully increase your blog traffic, you stand to gain many benefits. Think of your blog as a living being that needs constant replenishment to grow.

 Then, think of traffic on your blog as the nutritional juice you must help feed your blog to keep it growing. For your blog to experience increased traffic, you must ensure you use the best strategy and not the ones that can hurt your blog’s chances at ranking. Read on as I show you the insider truth of how to increase your blog traffic organically.

How to organically increase blog traffic step-by-step

Growing your blog and increasing its traffic organically requires patience and an optimistic approach. Especially if your niche is already saturated with many big blogs dominating the blogosphere.

However, with the right strategy, you are sure to watch your new blog crawl, walk, and then fly. Let’s go through these strategies one after the other.

Your content’s health and length

First things first, take a long look at the content you are about to post on your blog. Read it one more time. Did it bore you? Did it interest you? If the former is the case, do a thorough content revamp.

A healthy way of writing involves focusing on your content structuring, how interesting you sound, error-free content, and the length of your content.

Painstakingly pick out the littlest errors as it reduces your hard work. Feel free to read your content until you almost can recite it word for word.

It is also understandable that we have some boring topics but hey, your duty lies in breathing life into those topics and making them as interesting as possible. Granted, length does not equal depth most times but the rule of thumb says that to lay a good foundation for your blog, start with long-form content.

When you settle for long-form content, it will help you touch more areas on your topic and not just scraping the surface. You see, Google pays attention to blogs with long-form blog posts because it believes that they offer more value than those with a 500-word count or less.

Therefore, as a beginner or new blogger, ensure you write 1,000 words and above for your blog and ensure you keep it interesting to the last word and solve the problem it was meant to.

Post consistently for blog traffic

New blogs can take up to 4 posts a day if you can write. Updating your blog consistently with new content can quickly increase your blog traffic. 

Consistent posting helps Google push your posts to people searching for your content. If you can not meet the daily target of 4 posts per day, once a day can still do the magic.

Also, you can post every day or every other day and update your blog with fresh SEO-rich long-form content. You’d be amazed at the traffic that will pump in.

Also Read:  How to write a blog post that attracts readers

Search for big blogs in your niche and guest post

Guest posting may not be all that up there but it is up and that’s why you are reading about it here. Guest posting is a strategy that drives people to your blog if you do it properly.

You must search for blogs in your niche with very high monthly traffic and write to them for a chance to post your content. If you get a yes, then, ensure you post unique content that does not exist anywhere else.

Use ranking keywords and topics

Your niche determines how you research keywords and coin out topics. However, there might be trendy topics per time within your niche that may require you to jump on them.

For example, if you have a health blog, it is obvious that health issues are a constant concern for humans year in and out. This shows that whatever topic you write about must have a chance to draw in traffic if you do it well.

Meanwhile, imagine there was a flu outbreak in the USA, you know everyone in the country would be searching to read up on the flu. Imagine the traffic your blog will experience if you write a long-form post with in-depth details about the flu, its causes, and preventive measures.

Trendy topics are one fast way a blog can pull in traffic but the downside is that the traffic may wean down with the passing of the trend.

New blogs that are still in search of traffic and growth must begin with less competitive keywords. Using long-tail keywords is a way to grow your blog from scratch because you can find thousands of less competitive keywords within your niche in the long-tail keywords category.

Doing this may not stop you from attaching one or two short-tail keywords inside your content once in a while. However, long-tail keywords should be your go-to until your blog begins to gather enough monthly traffic.

A quick tip: There are many tools out there that can help you research the right keywords for you. Most are paid tools but allow you the chance to research for a few keywords daily.

Tools like Google Trends can help you to do a free keyword search for your content.

Make your blog and content SEO-friendly

Nothing works until you figure out how to be friends with SEO. SEO-friendly content must be laced with keywords which are searchable words or phrases from people.

Your blog needs to be optimized even before you begin to publish your SEO-rich content. These practices work hand in glove to increase your blog traffic organically.

If you own a blog but can’t get it optimized or write SEO-rich content, there are many freelancing websites where you can hire an SEO content writer to do a good job. You can still take some courses to understand SEO  if you love to write yourself.

Here’s a quick SEO checklist to help you increase your blog traffic organically


  • Permalinks
  • Header tags
  • Keywords Distribution
  • Internal and external links
  • Meta descriptions
  • Topic length
  • Image/video optimization
  • Etc

Talk about your blog on social media

Your social media followers must never be in the dark about your blogging experience and posts. Excitedly share your new blog post with them especially if they love to read from you.

More so, if you belong to groups, take advantage of that and share your blog post’s link with them whenever the discussion is on related matters. The idea of sharing your post on groups does not mean you should spam the group. Share your posts wisely and only if the discussion is in line with your content.

For context, Quora has helped many bloggers drive traffic to their blogs. Medium has been helpful too. Open an account, join the ongoing discussions, and smartly include a link to your blog post related to what is being discussed.

Many bloggers now open YouTube channels for their blogs. This is a great way to talk about a topic and share the link without feeling like you are spamming. YouTube helps bring more traffic to your blog and more if you have interesting topics there.

Another alternative to YouTube is Pinterest. This site permits you to create an account and link up your posts from your blog. You can do either or both and see your traffic increase very well.

Grow an email list

Email list is one fine way to bring people’s attention to your posts. While starting out, you can create a form for people to drop their email addresses for you. You must be tactical about this as not everyone loves to give their emails away.

To make this a success, you can offer them something in return for their emails. Maybe a free book, guide, or something you know they’d love.

When you have your list, send out a mail to inform your readers of a new topic that you just dropped. As they trickle in to read, your blog traffic will be growing. 

Leave room for interaction on your blog

Many people would love to give you feedback on your blog post, share their thoughts, or even ask for more clarity. Therefore, always encourage interactions by ending your blog post with a question or something that would spark a discussion.

Always be available to reply. This way, you will build consistent readers who can share your blog posts with their friends.

I hope this blog post answered your question on how to increase your blog traffic organically.

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